Well getting made fun of about anything is not fun. And sometimes it is not directly at you but you know it was about you, I feel that is the worst. I am glad we have police out there to watch our streets and save people from murders but has bad grammar ever killed anyone?!?! I know a lot of people think they are doing the encyclopedia a big hand by running around and correcting people's grammar! IF I DONT ASK FOR YOUR HELP THAT MEANS I MEANT TOO SPELL IT THAT WAY, I WANT TOO BE DIFFERENT!!!
Anyway... I did those too'a up there on purpose... Or did I? Well the world will only know when I come out with my own dictionary that is called, IF YOU CAN STILL MAKE OUT THE SENTENCE THEN LEAVE THE WORDS ALONE!!! It's like a puzzle you see and if you figure it out then you get a smile from the person, who you may have hurt their feelings otherwise.
Have a wonderful night, and look out for the new dictionary ;)
Some people live to correct others. It never makes many friends! Love you sis! -Ara